First Annual Northwest Yoga Conference

Modified downward dog

Modified downward dog

The chair yoga workshop I presented at the First Annual Northwest Yoga Conference on February 18th in Lynnwood, Washington was very well-received. Ten participants, a mix of students and teachers, attended. The workshop began with personal introductions, followed by a chair yoga session including breathing exercises, modified asanas, balancing postures, a short meditation, and savasana (relaxation). Questions were asked about the physical abilities and suitability of yoga for clients of different ages, including older adults. I provided participants with handouts they could take home to help them use chair yoga in their professional and personal lives. I was very pleased that chair yoga was included in this conference because the time has come for chair yoga to be recognized as an alternative to traditional yoga!

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New Group: Vancouver Yoga Teachers for Older Adults

On Monday, January 30th, 7:00 p.m., history was made! The first meeting of Vancouver Yoga Teachers For Older Adults took place at 518 Moberly Rd. in Vancouver. The purpose of this group is to provide opportunities for sharing ideas, experiences, and projects with other yoga teachers who have a passion for working with older adults. Seven of us talked for 2 hours, exchanging information and discussing plans. How exciting!

The next meeting is in March, at Pam’s place. We will view the movie Yogawoman, work on the next Asana recipe (foot/ankle), and begin to plan our one-day workshop. Please email me if you are interested in participating in this new and innovative yoga group. — Namaste

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Annette Wertman: “A Therapeutic Triple Threat”

Stretching and strengthening

An article under “Menschenings” by social columnist Alex Kliner appeared in the December 18 Hanukkah issue of the Jewish Independent of Greater Vancouver. The following is an excerpt from the article, entitled “A Therapeutic Triple Threat: Annette Wertman Teaches Chair and Shabbat Yoga at the JCC”:

Adding an interest in the older adult population to her other interests, these days Annette is a registered music therapist and certified yoga instructor completing her requirements for a master’s degree in gerontology at Simon Fraser University.

As an instructor in chair yoga—where the chair replaces the mat—Annette gives private and group sessions. At the Jewish Community Centre of Greater Vancouver, Annette has developed a specialized Shabbat Yoga program, held on Friday mornings.  She says that “chair yoga encourages a sense of well-being and confidence, especially in older adults and people with physical limitations, restrictions, or health issues. In a supportive group atmosphere, we focus on balance, muscle strength, flexibility, concentration, relaxation, and proper breathing.”

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Chair Yoga at Dreams Huatulco Resort and Spa, Mexico

Yoga Classes at Dreams Huatulco Resort and Spa, Mexico

Opening the heart

I recently took a trip to Mexico and offered some chair yoga lessons to guests of the Dreams Huatulco Resort and Spa. Judging from some of the feedback, chair yoga was a hit!

Jose Muller of Dreams was thrilled with the lessons. She wrote: “Our yoga instructor took a couple of lessons with you and loved your activity and the passion you have to teach. I know that the guests that attended your chair yoga classes were really happy with the lessons. Thank you for your help and thanks for giving a plus to our resort. Have a great 2012 and see you again at Dreams!”

Thanks, Jose, for letting me share the joys of chair yoga with your guests. I hope to see everyone again next year! In the meantime, keep practising your chair yoga!

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Yoga and Multiple Sclerosis

Judith practising yoga

Judith practising yoga

Judith is a disciplined yoga student. Diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at an early age, Judith believes that yoga has improved her balance, increased her strength, made her muscles more flexible, and allowed her to feel more in control.

Judith also believes that yoga has helped reduce her fatigue. She is not alone. A randomized controlled study published in the journal Neurology found that MS patients who practiced Iyengar yoga for 6 months showed significant improvements in measures of fatigue compared to a waitlist control group. In fact, the yoga participants showed as much improvement as the MS patients who were assigned to 6 months of exercise using a stationary bicycle! Although more research is needed, this study suggests that yoga can be very beneficial in alleviating some of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

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Yoga Toes

In many of the photos on this website, you will see participants wearing soft foam material between their toes. These are called yoga toes and podiatrists think they’re great! When worn during yoga poses, these toe separators help:

  • increase overall foot strength

  • increase flexibility in toes and ankles

  • stretch the Achilles tendon

  • correct high arches

  • improve bloodflow to the legs and feet

  • stimulate nerves and sensation

  • improve overall body posture

  • reduce pain

  • relieve stress

Yoga toes come in many shapes, sizes, and colours. If you’d like to use a pair of yoga toes during your next session with me, just ask. I’ll be happy to provide a pair!

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Yoga at Bright Spot

Today was the first of four chair yoga sessions held at Vancouver Coastal Health’s Older Adult Rehabilitation Program (Cambie Street location). Also called Bright Spot, the program is designed to help older adults who have been diagnosed with clinical depression, anxiety, dementia, or other major mental health conditions. Research has demonstrated that yoga can play a positive role in improving the health and well-being of older adults with these conditions.

The participants had a great time strengthening their muscles, flexing their joints, improving their balance, and breathing deeply. And judging from the looks on everyone’s faces, they definitely enjoyed the savasana pose (rest and stillness) at the end of class!

What a joy and honour it was to bring yoga to Bright Spot. Thank you to Yoga Outreach for helping arrange this opportunity! I look forward to next Tuesday’s class!

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COSCO Yoga Workshop

This gallery contains 9 photos.

Today I presented a 90-minute workshop, Yoga for Falls Prevention, for the Council of Senior Citizens’ Organizations of British Columbia (COSCO). This was part of COSCO’s comprehensive series of health promotion workshops. (COSCO membership is $25.00. Visit their site for more information.) … Continue reading

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Condo Yoga

We are coming, and we are ready!

Sometimes, for a change of scenery, my clients come to my condo to practice yoga. Pictured here are three of my regular clients who really enjoy doing yoga at my place!

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Classes During Remembrance Day

Due to Remembrance Day, the Shabbat chair yoga class is cancelled at the Jewish Community Centre. However, a chair yoga class will be offered in the Social Room at 518 Moberly Road. Friday November 11, 2011. Same time: 9:30am – 10:30am. Don’t miss this!

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Yoga for Falls Prevention

Yoga is under-valued as a prevention strategy for accidental falls among older adults. On October 21, I will be giving a presentation on yoga for falls prevention at the 40th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gerontology.

I will discuss yoga as a unique option for older adults to engage in exercise, which has been established as an effective intervention to reduce many risk factors for falls, particularly musculoskeletal impairment implicated in balance impairment. Yoga is easily adapted to older adults and can offer as many benefits as other types of exercise.

Through breathing techniques, meditation, asanas (physical poses), and progressive muscle relaxation, yoga offers the following benefits, all of which have been shown to reduce the risk for falls among older adults:

  • increased range of motion of muscles and joints

  • increased muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility

  • increased spinal flexibility

  • better posture

  • better sleep

  • increased feelings of self-efficacy and personal control

  • decreased feelings of depression

  • enhanced cognitive functioning, including increased attention

  • increased ability to engage in activities of daily living

Yoga is a truly biopsychosocial intervention, reducing risk factors for falls on a number of different levels, as well as slowing the aging process and improving overall quality of life.

A gentler form of yoga is becoming increasingly popular among older adults: chair yoga. In this form of yoga, the mat is replaced by the chair, offering increased accessibility, stability, and safety. Chair yoga offers many of the benefits as ordinary yoga, including reduced risk for falls. It is appropriate for older men and women of all abilities, including those with physical limitations and restrictions. It is also safe and helpful for those with a wide range of health issues, including conditions that are known to increase risk for falls (e.g., hypertension, dizziness, and osteoporosis).

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