Chair Yoga Teachers Association (CYTA) Minutes July 1, 2017

Chair Yoga Teachers Association (CYTA)   Minutes July 1, 2017

The Leo Wertman Residence, 611 West 41st Avenue;  1.30 – 2.30 pm

Present:  see below

Thanks and introductions

Who can join CYTA: 

Currently, those who have a formal Chair Yoga Teacher Training as recognised by certification.

Necessary to organise ourselves before spreading the word of Chair Yoga.

Chair Yoga lacks a trademark and thus is open to many interpretations.  Cost of a formal trademark is $500 in the first year, less thereafter.


Directory:  municipal:  list of opportunities:  Dee / Connie

Substitute Teacher List:  Erika / Bonnie

Chair Yoga Festival, Summer 2018:  Aurora

CYTA website:  Mary to ask Vancouver Community Network;  Annette to use a page on her site meantime.

Connect with Yoga Alliance:  Aurora

Blog: Annette; please send her information to post

Outreach – deferred to next meeting

To become an Association: Aurora will contact Yoga Alliance and a lawyer

Other matters: 

Mandate / purpose: Sylvia to send out draft one;  please use Reply All to comment.

Practice issues: eg mentorship, seating, chairs etc: discussed individually

Fee:  deferred to next meeting

Communication: use email

Wages:  current range $40 – 100/ hour;  $1 / minute.  Use the website to share language and concepts for negotiating limited budgets, specific sites.  Musicians Union top up to their base rate.

Payment varies for contract and staff status.


Ideally, first Saturday of the month at the address; 1.30 – 2.30 pm.

To accommodate the long week end, next meetings:  August 1th;  September 9th.


About Annette Wertman

I am a certified yoga instructor and registered music therapist. I have over 40 years of experience working with children and adults of all abilities and challenges. I am now located in beautiful Fanny Bay on Vancouver Island. I offer Fanny Bay Yoga, Chair Yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga series at the Fanny Bay Hall and in my front yard (Yoga in the Yard). As a Baby Boomer, I am passionate about growing older. After all “You are only old once!” I believe that yoga provides this opportunity. “Through the practice of yoga, the body, mind and soul connect to live each day to its fullest potential”. Join me….and yoga your way to better health!
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