New Group: Vancouver Yoga Teachers for Older Adults

On Monday, January 30th, 7:00 p.m., history was made! The first meeting of Vancouver Yoga Teachers For Older Adults took place at 518 Moberly Rd. in Vancouver. The purpose of this group is to provide opportunities for sharing ideas, experiences, and projects with other yoga teachers who have a passion for working with older adults. Seven of us talked for 2 hours, exchanging information and discussing plans. How exciting!

The next meeting is in March, at Pam’s place. We will view the movie Yogawoman, work on the next Asana recipe (foot/ankle), and begin to plan our one-day workshop. Please email me if you are interested in participating in this new and innovative yoga group. — Namaste

About Annette Wertman

I am a certified yoga instructor and registered music therapist. I have over 40 years of experience working with children and adults of all abilities and challenges. I am now located in beautiful Fanny Bay on Vancouver Island. I offer Fanny Bay Yoga, Chair Yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga series at the Fanny Bay Hall and in my front yard (Yoga in the Yard). As a Baby Boomer, I am passionate about growing older. After all “You are only old once!” I believe that yoga provides this opportunity. “Through the practice of yoga, the body, mind and soul connect to live each day to its fullest potential”. Join me….and yoga your way to better health!
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